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Question 6 - Ellipses & Parabolas Main Parts of an  Ellipse Major Axis (the long one) Minor Axis (the short one) Focal Points Vertex Key Concepts The distance from a focal point to the end of the minor axis is equal to 1/2 the major axis The distance from a focal point to any point on the curve of an ellipse and back to the other focal point is equal in length to the major axis How to Draw an Ellipse - Circle Method 1 - Draw a circle with a diameter equal to the  major axis  and a circle with a diameter equal to the  minor axis  using the same centre 2 - Divide the circles into 12 slices using your 30 deg set square 3 - Draw a vertical line down from each point where the lines meet the outer circle and draw a horizontal line across where the lines meet the smaller circle. Mark out the points where the horizontal and vertical lines meet. 4 - Use these points to freehand sketch the ellipse

yajue mambo 5 ya mafanikio kwako

Kila binadamu ameumbwa na kiu ya kufanikiwa katika kila kitu anachofanya. Mafanikio ndio kilele cha mlima mkubwa wa maisha ambao umejengwa kwa misingi na ngazi za mihangaiko na mitihani ambayo unapaswa kuivuka ili upumzike kwenye kilele hicho. Kwa bahati mbaya, unaposema ‘mafanikio’ wengi hufikiria kuhusu ‘utajiri’. Lakini ukweli ni kuwa kuna tofauti kati ya kuwa tajiri na kufanikiwa kiuchumi. Unaweza kuwa tajiri lakini ukawa bado hujafanikiwa. Kwa kuwa watu wanawaza utajiri kuwa ndio kigezo cha mafanikio hujikuta wakijiingiza kwenye vitendo vya ajabu kwa lengo la kujizolea mali lakini mwisho huwa wanagundua kuwa hawajafanikiwa japo jamii inahisi wamefanikiwa. Njia rahisi za Kumgeuza Rafiki kuwa ‘Mpenzi Wako’ wa Dhati Nanachoamini mimi, kufanikiwa kweli ni kutimiza malengo yako kwa ufanisi na kwa wakati, lakini mafanikio hayo yakupe amani moyoni mwako (peace of mind). Vinginevyo, utafanikiwa kwa mrundikano wa fedha huku ukitengeneza tatizo kubwa zaidi la msongo wa mawazo na u

zinduka,, hizi ni njia za mafanikio

MTU anafanikiwa kikweli kwa kupata njia bora kabisa ya maisha ambayo inatokana na kufuata viwango vya Mungu na kuishi kupatana na kusudi la Mungu kwa wanadamu. Biblia inasema kwamba mtu anayeishi maisha ya aina hiyo “atakuwa kama mti uliopandwa kando ya vijito vya maji, ambao hutoa matunda yake katika majira yake na ambao majani yake hayanyauki, na  kila jambo analofanya litafanikiwa.” — Zaburi 1:3 . Naam, ingawa sisi si wakamilifu na tunafanya makosa, tunaweza kufanikiwa maishani! Je, hilo linakuvutia? Ikiwa ndivyo, basi kanuni sita zinazofuata za Biblia zinaweza kukusaidia ufikie lengo hilo na hivyo kuthibitisha waziwazi kwamba kwa kweli mafundisho ya Biblia ni hekima inayotoka kwa Mungu.— Yakobo 3:17 . 1 Uwe na Maoni Yanayofaa Kuhusu Pesa “Kupenda pesa ni chanzo cha mambo mabaya ya namna zote, na kwa kujitahidi kufikia upendo huo wengine . . . wamejichoma wenyewe kila mahali kwa maumivu mengi.” ( 1 Timotheo 6:10 ) Ona kwamba tatizo si pesa, kwa kuwa sisi sote tunahitaji pesa

Understanding Basic Electrical Theory

Understanding Basic Electrical Theory No single discovery has affected our lives, our culture and our survival more than electricity. Electricity is everywhere; it lights our way, cooks our food and can even brush your teeth. For an example, imagine where the medical field would be without electricity and in that sense how many lives have been saved due to electrical devices like defibrillators, pacemakers, etc.  From talkies to eight tracks to screaming “I want my MTV”, even hashtagging, none of it would be possible #WithoutElectricity. Read on to discover more about basic electrical theory.   What is Electricity? So what is electricity and where does it come from? More importantly, why is carpet, socks and a doorknob a bad combination? In its simplest terms, electricity is the movement of charge, which is considered by convention to be, from positive to negative. No matter how the charge is created, chemically (like in batteries) or physically (friction from socks and carpet